Saturday, October 26, 2013


Why a Guru Is Necessary

We meet little teachers in the beginning through our vague desires to know truth. But the GURU (or Preceptor) is the living embodiment of scriptural truths and is the agent of salvation appointed by God in response to a devotee’s demands for release from all the bondage of matter. It is very difficult to choose the right path from the many religious paths and varied religious opinions. Most people who wander from church to church seeking intellectual inspiration never find God, for intellectual inspiration is necessary only until one begins to “drink” God. Otherwise, intellectual inspiration (when it forgets to taste God) is detrimental to self-realization. It is more easy to follow a living, breathing, talking man (who lives truth) than a mute scripture. If a saint has reached his goal, whether by the shorter Yoga route, or by the long-winded spiritual-prayer way, he experiences actual self-realization. Anyone following him certainly would reach the goal by using either method. Unlike ordinary prayers, real prayers, which alone can bring conscious response from God, must be offered in meditation, intensely and for many hours continuously until Divine response comes.
The signs of a Guru
The signs of a GURU are as follows: his eyes are still and unwinking whenever he wants them to be so; by the practice of Yoga his breath is quiet without his forcibly holding it in his lungs; his mind is calm without effort. If a man has eyelids that blink continually and lungs acting like bellows all the time, and a mind always restless like a butterfly, and he keeps on telling you he is in cosmic consciousness , laugh at him. Just as a man cannot pretend that he is sleeping while he continues to run, so one with restless eyes, breath, and mind cannot convince you, who know better, that he is in cosmic consciousness. Just as sleep manifests in the body by certain physiological changes, so the muscles, eyes, breath, all usually become still during cosmic consciousness. No GURU can be developed alone by years of study in the intellectual factory of a theological seminary, which deems it has attained its ends when it confers B.D. or D.D. degrees. Such titles can be won by men of good memory, but character, self-control, and intuition can be developed only by knowledge of advanced psycho-physical methods of self-realization and deep daily meditation. 
Secret of Religion
The secret of true religion lies in the cave of stillness, in the cave of wisdom, in the cave of the spiritual eye. By concentrating on the point between the eyebrows and delving into the depths of quiet, one can find answers to all the religious queries of the heart. A disciple should tune in with the will of his GURU. Such tuning in of your habit-led and whim-guided will with the wisdom-guided will of your GURU is far different from mechanical obedience to an unspiritual guide, no matter whether he is traditionally, religiously, or socially elected. To follow the blind unthinkingly is to fall with them into the ditch of ignorance completely. To follow the awakened, if you are blind, is to reach the goal without danger. How can you take away the blot from your brother’s eyes if there is still a blot in your own?
Freedom of Will
Very few people truly know what freedom of will means. To be compelled to do things by the dictates of your own instincts and habits is not freedom. To be good because you have been so for a long time and to refrain from evil because you are accustomed to do so is not freedom. When your will is perfectly free to choose good instead of evil anytime, anywhere, because you really feel good, you will know real happiness: then indeed are you free. Evil gives only sorrow. When the influences of heredity, prenatal and postnatal habits, family, social, and world environment, all cease to influence your judgmentwhen you can act, guided only by your highest inner intuitive discrimination-then only are you free. Until then, the way to all righteousness lies in tuning in your whim-guided will with the wisdom-guided will of your GURU. Harnessing your will to wisdom, you will cease to be swayed by prejudice and error, for you will then always be guided by righteousness.
Find and Cling to Your GURU

Hence, the first requisite in your spiritual path lies not entirely in going to church services and being a passive member, satisfied merely with listening to sermons, but also in finding your spiritual GURU who will discipline you and take a personal interest in your spiritual welfare and lead you as far along the spiritual path as you wish to go. Having found him, follow him closely, obey him with intelligent devotion, and practice what he teaches you; thus ultimately you will attain your highest goal. 

Freedom of Will, and Obedience-PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA

Freedom of Will, and Obedience-PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA

My Guru said to me: “Allow me to discipline you, for freedom of will consists not in doing things according to the dictates of prenatal or postnatal habits or mental whims, but according to the suggestions of wisdom and free choice.” He continued, “If you tune in your will with mine, you will find freedom. Formerly, my will was guided by habits, but when I tuned it in with the God guided and Wisdom guided will of my Guru, I found freedom.”
To tune in with a soul whose will is guided by wisdom is to find freedom of will. Most teachers who slavishly control their students after the pattern of dogmatic teachings, destroy the power of free will in them, but obedience to a Guru does not produce spiritual blindness in the disciple. On the contrary, it develops his third eye of wisdom and intuition. Most teachers want their students to see through the teacher’s eyes, but a Guru disciplines the disciple only until he can guide himself through wisdom. A Guru (a Preceptor) is sent by God.
If a disciple, after following a Guru for a long time, should spurn him, then he actually spurns the help sent by God. A Guru is not a help for this life only. He also makes a spiritual soul contact with the disciple, and says, “Let our friendship be eternal, and let us help each other through incarnations until we are both completely emancipated in spirit. Sometimes, likewise, an advanced disciple can help a Guru, and vice versa. Such friendship is not based on any selfish consideration or on any condition. Such Divine friendship and perpetual good will expressed between two or more souls gives birth to the ever pure, unselfish, all emancipating Divine Love. My Master said to me, “I will be your friend from now until Eternity, no matter whether you are on the lowest mental plane or on the highest plane of wisdom. I will be your friend if ever you should err, for then you will need my friendship more than at any other time.”
When I accepted my Master’s unconditional friendship, he said, “Will you be my friend under all circumstances? Will you protect me in my highest or in my lowest strata of mind?” I was amazed—I was stupefied, for how could I dream of my Master being in the lowest strata, but until I vowed to be his friend always, under all circumstances, he did not rest. He was gladdened when I said, “I will be thine always.”
It was then, after this amazing spiritual compact, that I understood the significance of a Guru, and really, I never found complete satisfaction, comfort, and God-consciousness until I tuned myself in with the Divine consciousness of my Master.
Jesus knew of above law of emancipation. He must have found in John his reincarnated Guru. (A Guru, although inferior in spiritual quality, is a Guru just the same, a vehicle of God always) That is why Jesus insisted on being baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus also had spoken of John the Baptist as the reincarnated prophet, Elias (Elijah). Next, in connection with the baptism of Jesus Christ, it is very important to remember the spiritual baptism and the spiritual experiences of Jesus which followed his physical baptism with water by John. 
Freedom of Will, and Obedience
My Guru said to me: “Allow me to discipline you, for freedom of will consists not in doing things according to the dictates of prenatal or postnatal habits or mental whims, but according to the suggestions of wisdom and free choice.” He continued, “If you tune in your will with mine, you will find freedom. Formerly, my will was guided by habits, but when I tuned it in with the God guided and Wisdom guided will of my Guru, I found freedom.”
To tune in with a soul whose will is guided by wisdom is to find freedom of will. Most teachers who slavishly control their students after the pattern of dogmatic teachings, destroy the power of free will in them, but obedience to a Guru does not produce spiritual blindness in the disciple. On the contrary, it develops his third eye of wisdom and intuition. Most teachers want their students to see through the teacher’s eyes, but a Guru disciplines the disciple only until he can guide himself through wisdom. A Guru (a Preceptor) is sent by God.
If a disciple, after following a Guru for a long time, should spurn him, then he actually spurns the help sent by God. A Guru is not a help for this life only. He also makes a spiritual soul contact with the disciple, and says, “Let our friendship be eternal, and let us help each other through incarnations until we are both completely emancipated in spirit. Sometimes, likewise, an advanced disciple can help a Guru, and vice versa. Such friendship is not based on any selfish consideration or on any condition. Such Divine friendship and perpetual good will expressed between two or more souls gives birth to the ever pure, unselfish, all emancipating Divine Love. My Master said to me, “I will be your friend from now until Eternity, no matter whether you are on the lowest mental plane or on the highest plane of wisdom. I will be your friend if ever you should err, for then you will need my friendship more than at any other time.”
When I accepted my Master’s unconditional friendship, he said, “Will you be my friend under all circumstances? Will you protect me in my highest or in my lowest strata of mind?” I was amazed—I was stupefied, for how could I dream of my Master being in the lowest strata, but until I vowed to be his friend always, under all circumstances, he did not rest. He was gladdened when I said, “I will be thine always.”
It was then, after this amazing spiritual compact, that I understood the significance of a Guru, and really, I never found complete satisfaction, comfort, and God-consciousness until I tuned myself in with the Divine consciousness of my Master.
Jesus knew of above law of emancipation. He must have found in John his reincarnated Guru. (A Guru, although inferior in spiritual quality, is a Guru just the same, a vehicle of God always) That is why Jesus insisted on being baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus also had spoken of John the Baptist as the reincarnated prophet, Elias (Elijah). Next, in connection with the baptism of Jesus Christ, it is very important to remember the spiritual baptism and the spiritual experiences of Jesus which followed his physical baptism with water by John. 



Why We should find A GURU First ?
The method of finding God is different from the methods demanded by most colleges for any kind of specific training. Even in medical training, the student never learns if he roams from college to college, joining different medical institutions, and listening to a few lectures, but without going through intensive training in materia media, physiology, dissection, and other studies in one college. Also, it is true that a student cannot join all the universities at the same time.
A student should follow one course in one college until he receives a certificate that he has completed certain studies, but alas, in spiritual denominations even the loyalty the usual intellectual college expects is not given to the denomination by the aspirant, nor is the time necessary for Self-Realization given to the practice of the spiritual lessons by thousands of students in the Western world. Such people continue taking lessons from any new, good, bad, or indifferent teachers, who happen to come to town and advertise. I say that people should discriminate between the so-called teacher who uses religion only to make money or just a living and the real teacher who may use business methods in his religion in order to serve his brethren with real spirituality.
It is extremely necessary to remember that in the beginning it is wise to compare many spiritual paths and teachers, but when the real GURU (Preceptor) and the real teaching is found, then the restless searching must cease. The thirsty one should not keep seeking wells, but should go to the best well and daily drink its nectar. That is why in India, in the beginning we seek many until we find the right path, and the right master, and then remain loyal to him through death and eternity, until final emancipation.

Guru and Teacher

We can have many teachers first, but only one GURU, and no more teachers afterwards. Teachers call those who come to learn from them students, but a GURU calls the spiritual aspirant who comes to him a disciple. Jesus himself said, “None cometh unto the Father but by me.” This signifies that human souls are mostly truant children of God roaming away from Him in the wilderness of suffering. Such souls are impelled by the scourge of sorrow to have faint glimpses of their lost home of spiritual blessedness. They begin to long for God, and inwardly pray for a way out of the conundrum of life. Then when the prayers of such errant children become deep and strong enough, God is touched and sends help. It is then that the One Father of All sends a superman on earth to give help to the lost seeking souls. Such a man, ordained by God, to help the individual in response to deep prayer, is not an ordinary teacher, but a GURU or a vehicle, whose body, speech, mind, and spirituality God Himself uses to bring the lost souls back to the Home of Immortality.
In the Hindu scriptures and “Whispers from Eternity” it is written: “As a naughty baby, I cried for my Mother Divine, and she came to me as my GURU. My Guru, I found Thee in response to my soul cries. If all the gods are displeased and yet, O Guru, if Thou art pleased, I am safe in the fortress of Thy pleasure; but if all the gods protect me by the parapets of their blessings, and yet I receive not Thy benedictions, I am an orphan, left to pine spiritually in the ruins of Thy displeasure. Together, Guru and Disciple, we will fly to His Shores, and then we will smash our planes of finitude forever and vanish in our Infinite Life.”
The above conception of Guru and Disciple depicts the only real way to retrace the truant soul’s footsteps back to God. This Guru and Disciple relationship is not the enslaving relationship between the blind church or temple members and an ignorant so-called priest of a temple or church, elected, not by God, but by the temple or church organization, or by a higher church dignitary, honored by orthodox followers, but unknown to God



"A visitor: "The Bible says that evildoers shall be punished, and the good, rewarded. Do you subscribe to this teaching?"

Paramhansa Yogananda: "Certainly. If we accept the principle of cause and effect in Nature, and of action and reaction in physics, how can we not believe that this natural law extends also to human beings? Do not humans, too, belong to the natural order?

"This is the law of karma: As you sow, so shall you reap. If you sow evil, you will reap evil in the form of -suffering. And if you sow goodness, you will reap goodness in the form of inner joy."

The visitor: "How specific is the law? In physics, the law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In Nature, effects are often very specifically, and not only vaguely, related to their causes. Yet we've been taught to view reward and punishment for human behavior in more general terms. If we're good, we've been told, we'll go to heaven, and if we're bad, we'll go to hell. But people don't think of themselves as reaping specific consequences for specific deeds."

Yogananda: "The karmic law is exact. There is, furthermore, no question of suffering in hell for eternity. (How could the misdeeds of a few years on earth deserve eternal punishment? Could a finite cause have an infinite effect?)

"To understand karma, you must realize that thoughts are things. The very universe, in the final analysis, is composed not of matter but of consciousness. Matter responds, far more than most people realize, to the power of thought. For will power directs energy, and energy in turn acts upon matter. Matter, indeed, is energy.

"The stronger the will, the greater the force of energy—and the greater, consequently, the energy's impact on material events. A strong will, especially if combined with awareness of the cosmic energy, can effect miracles. It can cure diseases, and make a person well. It can ensure success in any undertaking. The very seasons are obedient to the man of strong will power and of deep faith.

"Even unenlightened human beings shape their destinies, more than they themselves realize, according to the way they use their power of will. For no action is ever an isolated event. Always, it invites from the universe a reaction that corresponds exactly to the type and the force of energy behind the deed.

"Action originates in the will, which directs energy toward its desired end. This, then, is the definition of will power: desire plus energy, directed toward fulfillment.

"Energy, like electricity, generates a magnetic field. And that magnetic field attracts to itself the consequences of action.

"The binding force between human action and cosmic reaction is the ego. The consciousness of ego ensures that
a person's actions will have personal consequences for himself. These consequences may be delayed, if the will power engendering a thought or deed was not powerful enough to have immediate results, or if its thrust was thwarted by other, conflicting energies. Sooner or later, however, every action, whether of body, of thought, or of desire, must reap its final reaction. It is like a circle completing itself.

"Thus, man, made as he is in the image of God, becomes in his turn a creator.

"The results of good and bad deeds are not experienced only after death. Heaven and hell are realities even here on earth, where people reap the painful consequences of their folly, and the harmonious results of right action.

"People seldom think of their own actions as bad. Whatever they do seems, at least to them, well-intentioned. But if they create disharmony for others, and thus on deeper levels of their being for themselves, those waves of dishar-
mony will inevitably return to them in the form of disharmony.

"Every action, every thought, reaps its own corresponding rewards.

"Human suffering is not a sign of God's anger with
mankind. It is a sign, rather, of man's ignorance of the
divine law.

"The law is forever infallible in its workings."



:"I will start each new day with the realization of my Divine Sonhood.

I will realize that God’s power is limitless, and, since I am made in His image and likeness, I, too, have power to overcome all obstacles that I may encounter.

I know that each seeming difficulty is but a call to release the power which I already possess, and that with each release of power I grow stronger and wiser.

I desire only to come to complete understanding and enlightenment, and therefore I shall welcome each suggestion or criticism which shows me where I am falling short of realizing my ideal.

Each morning I willingly and joyfully offer my entire self – my body, mind, and any special ability or talent which I may possess, to be used by the Infinite Creator in whatever way He may choose to express Himself through me.

Each task I perform, I do in His name. All work is God’s work, and no task is too difficult or too menial when offered to Him in loving service.

No matter what work I am called upon to perform, I know there is a way to bring beauty and inspiration into it. May I always be alive to beauty and creative inspiration.

I shall endeavor to perform all tasks willingly and perfectly, for work well done is an acceptable prayer.

All difficulties melt away before understanding and love. May I grow in understanding each day.

In moving through my regular daily activities, I know that everything I touch,

everything I see, everything I hear, and every person I contact are expressions of God. Therefore, I walk gently and reverently through each day, ever listening for His message to me. I am filled with awe at the beauty and wonder in all Creation.

Each morning is the beginning of a new day and of a new year. As I cleanse my body and make it fit for the activity of the day, so shall I cleanse my mind of fear, prejudice, and all negation.

Whatever conditions confront me, I know that they represent my next step in unfoldment. I welcome all tests, no matter how trying, because I know that within me is the intelligence to understand and the power to overcome. I am willing to learn the lesson each experience would teach, and I am thankful for the strength and understanding which the overcoming of each trial develops.

I am an instrument for the expression of Divine power, intelligence, and beauty. I will keep my body strong and healthy, my mind clear, active and well trained, and my Soul surrounded with beauty, so that I shall be a perfect channel offering no obstruction to the free flow of Divine power through me into complete expression.

Each day I rededicate every thought, motive, and act to the service of the Divine Will.

Each condition of inharmony and criticism which I meet is a direct call to me to release the power of understanding, friendliness, and love. Each encounter with hate and anger calls for compassion and love from me. Each situation involving ugliness or emptiness calls for the release of the power of beauty in the form of creative activity. I have much work to do, and I would be “about my Father’s business.”

I must not only see the Truth, but I must fully realize and express it. This requires courage, love, and intelligent effort.

Happiness, understanding, the joy of creative expression, and perfect peace and poise can be mine only when I concentrate all my power and ability upon expressing the Father’s will.

I know that thoughts are things and that words bring forth according to their own likeness. Therefore, I shall guard my thoughts and words so that they will call forth into manifestation only that which is beautiful and true.

Since, through the law of attraction, I have drawn unto me whatever conditions I am now confronted with, I will impersonally look my situation over, and if I find things I do not like, I shall change my thoughts, and thus change the conditions. Henceforth, I shall watch my thoughts and be careful what kind of things I attract.

I shall keep my mind filled with thoughts of love, life, peace, beauty, power, plenty, joy, and wisdom. I shall endeavor to realize their full meaning and to express the ideas these words represent.

I have the most fascinating task to perform. It keeps me so occupied that there is no time or energy left to direct to the affairs of any other person. I am engaged in the business of lifting myself from ignorance to enlightenment and understanding. It requires all my attention to rid my thoughts and emotions of anger, jealousy, pride, revenge, fear, sense of lack, and sickness. These hindrances I must catch and cast out forever, so that when all the debris of negation is cleared away, the pure water of Life itself may spring forth and flow freely without obstruction to bless all who drink, with joy and understanding. This is my work. How can I be concerned wt. anything less?

I will not limit my thoughts. I am Life, Intelligence, Health, Joy, Peace, and Power. This is the essential truth of my Being, and I shall try to express these qualities completely.

Since God, or Good, is everywhere present at all times, my good is always with me, waiting for me to call it into manifestation. I shall go forth in perfect faith in the power of Omnipresent good to bring me whatever I need when I need it.

I know that the healing power of Spirit is flowing through all the cells of my body, cleansing, revitalizing, and making them strong and well.

I am made of the one universal God-substance and consequently my body functions perfectly and is “every whit whole.”

The light of Christ shines through me, and therefore my mind is clear, and order and harmony reign in all my affairs.

As a perfect pattern for an oak tree is encased in the acorn, so a perfect pattern for my life was placed in me in the beginning. I shall endeavor to see this perfect plan or idea which was set in me and shall let it push forth into manifestation without hindrance or dwarfing.

I have within me, waiting for my call, all the power and intelligence which I need to meet all the problems of this day. I shall live this day in perfect faith, calling on this power as the need arises."

by P.Yogananda

PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA- Collection of Unknown Poetry

PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA- Collection of Unknown Poetry

God Alone! (1)
by Paramhansa Yogananda Inner Culture, July 1934
Who is it who knows all the secrets of all the Souls who ever lived, dazzling the world, and who are now lost and gone?
God alone! God alone!
Who lived in the loneliness of the eternal void, before the atoms blinked their glittering eyes and danced through all Creation?
God alone! God alone!
We came out of Something, we know not what. We know that we live, laugh, and linger now, and most of us will not know what lies in the wilderness of the great Beyond when we fall asleep in the arms of peaceful death. Yet, who knows the secret of Life, both before and after this existence?
God alone! God alone!
All things are living; all things are dancing in the rhythm of eternal harmony. No one knows about the grand procession of Creation, which emerged from the mystic chamber of space. No one knows which part of this chamber of the endless void is occupied by objects and Beings, melted by the magic wand of death, except—
God alone! God alone!
Our loved ones love us, and vow to love us forever, and yet they forget us when they sink into the Great Sleep. Their memories become frozen anon. Yet, who loves us forever without ever telling us, and who remembers us when all others forget us?
God alone! God alone!54
Life and death, stars and wind, love and hate, sorrow and pleasure, and man and beast dance and sleep on the Stygian stage of Time, hiding behind the scenes at death, and coming out to play again on the stage of Time in new costumes of flesh. No one remembers what he did before, or why he is so sure of this temporary rendezvous in this curious caravanserai except—
God alone! God alone!
Why God is playing this game, and why He keeps all this knowledge to Himself, only meagerly sharing it with us, His Children, is known by—
God alone! God alone!
Yet, if you roam no more, and come closer to the Infinite Shore within, and change yourself from the undesirable position of being a prodigal son to that of being a true celestial offspring, then you, too, may know all things that you want to know from none other than—
God alone! God alone!
Since He knows all things, when you change into a demanding Son Divine, you too shall know all things from—
God alone! God alone!
When all friends must leave you, who will be with you?
God alone! God alone!
Since no things and no one are really yours, learn to love—
God alone! God alone!
God Alone (2)
by Paramhansa Yogananda Inner Culture, September 1935
I drank the crushed beauty of a sextillion stars; I sipped the sap of all sane pleasures; 
I made a bonfire of all sorrows and basked in the blaze of bliss. 
I quaffed the commingled love of all hearts; I mingled paternal, maternal, and fraternal love together, And drank that to the dregs. 
I squeezed the Scriptures for a drop of peace;
 I pressed poems from the winepress of Nature;
I stole the sweetness from the honeycomb of pleasures; I stole gems from the mine of thoughts;
 I read, I smiled, I worked, I planned, I throbbed, I aspired But naught was sufficient,— Only nightmares of incompleteness, ever-receding Will-o’-the-Wisps of promised happiness precipitated and haunted my heart. But when I cast all dreams away, I sat in the sanctuary of Peace, And my Soul sang, “ God alone! God alone!”
When I am Only a Dream
by Paramhansa Yogananda Inner Culture, March 1940
I come to tell you all of Him, And the way to encase Him in your bosom, And of the discipline which brings His grace. To those of you who have asked me To guide you to my Beloved’s preseulturesilently talking mind, Or speak to you through a gentle significant glance, Or whisper to you through my love, Or loudly dissuade you when you stray away from Him. But when I shall become only a memory or a mental image, Or silently speaking voice, When no earthly call will ever reveal My whereabouts in unplumbed space When no shallow entreaty or stern stentorian command Will bring an answer from me, I will smile in your mind when you are right, And when you are wrong, I will weep through my eyes, Dimly peering at you in the dark, And weep through your eyes, perchance; And I will whisper to you through your conscience, And I will reason with you through your reason, And I will love through your love. When you are able no longer to talk to me, Read my Whispers of Eternity. Eternally through that I will talk to you. Unknown I will walk by your side And guard you with invisible arms. And as soon as you know my Beloved And hear His voice in silence, You will know me again more tangibly Than you knew me in this earth plane. And yet when I am only a dream to you I will come to remind you that you too are naught But a dream of my Heavenly Beloved, And when you know you are a dream, as I know now, We all will be ever awake in Him.
The Awakening
by Paramhansa Yogananda East West, March 1934
Make me transparent with purity, that Thou mayest shine through me. Make me luminous with wisdom, that I may behold Thee in me. Still the moving mirror of my mind, that I may behold Thy Mooned Face, undistorted by my restlessness, ever reflected there. Open all the windows of Faith, that I may behold Thee in the Mansion of Peace. Fling open the Doors of Silence, that I may enter Thy Temple of Bliss. Awaken the memory of past Incarnations, wherein I sought Thee and loved Thee. Remember when I met Thee in the bower of the Milky Way and worshipped Thee in the ever-changing, living Temple of Nature. Beloved Divine, make me know at once and forever that Thou hast always been mine, ever mine. My error dreams are past and buried beneath the sepulcher of oblivion, and I am awake basking in the sunlight of Thy Awakening. While I slept this sleep of earthly life, I dreamt this Nature dream. I awoke, and now I dream of Thee alone. I was the small bee seeking the honey of Thy Happiness, So I drank from the many blossoms of human life and Nature, But it was when I drank the fragrant sweetness from Thy Lotus Feet, That I hummed with desires no more.



God is Eternal Bliss. His being is love, wisdom, and joy. He is both impersonal and personal, and manifests Himself in whatever way He pleases. He appears before His saints in the form each of them holds dear: a Christian sees Christ, a Hindu beholds Krishna or the Divine Mother, and so on. Devotees whose worship takes an impersonal turn become conscious of the Lord as an infinite Light or as the wondrous sound of Aum, the primal Word, the Holy Ghost. The highest experience man can have is to feel that Bliss in which every other aspect of Divinity — love, wisdom, immortality — is fully contained.



Success or failure is determined in your own mind. Even against the negative opinion of the rest of society, if you bring out by your all-conquering God-given will the conviction that you cannot be left to suffer in difficulties, you will feel a secret divine power coming upon you; and you will see that the magnetism of that conviction and power is opening up new ways for you.
How can you develop will? Choose some objective that you think you cannot accomplish, and then try with all your might to do that one thing. When you have achieved success, go on to something bigger and keep on exercising your will power in this way. If your difficulty is great, deeply pray: "Lord, give me the power to conquer all my difficulties." You must use your will power, no matter what you are, or who you are. You must make up your mind. Use this will power both in business and in meditation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



                      Yogiguru:My Ete rnal child of Bliss!
 GOD is everywhere and in everything you touch,feel,see and hear....most importantly He is your life-breath..
Yes you can write a book on me..with all my predictions and instructions...yes now only GOD’s WILL is flowing thru Me...Yogananada died long ago...
Simply chant AUM inside...the basic foundation of Kriya Yoga.
Have you seen Lord Krishna ?
yes I have seen many times and can show you if you wish
I am Eternally Free soul and I belong to Lord Krishna. You told me
Always remind yourself..conciously...I am Eternally Free Soul and I love Shri Krishna
How can I communicate with you is it possible ?..everything is happening to me..but I am unaware of everything
Yesterday I started concentrating on you and you started appearing before me like before...there’s no time gap and so spontanous....after a long time you took me to deep meditation....and I feel so relaxed outside and inside you I was filled with GOD’s presence in every part of me.....
Yes only in deep meditation you can feel presence of GOD
if you want to see GOD you can see Me
If you want to touch God you can touch Me
If you want to hear God you can  hear Me
Yes I was a human being like you and I identified myself with God and now GOD is  in Me and I am in God we are One .no duality prevails
Everyhing is being done by God’s Will...there is nothing but only God is everywhere
I want to get rid of this deadly deseased body..its of no use...i
If your body is worn will be given a beautiful new body
Can u see the beautiful child...have you seen GOD?
Yes...I have seen God in the form of Yogananada...who gave me a new life....
your astral home is beautiful..isn’t it? don’t need to go anywhere..yo will be with me
Before I was your YogiGuru I am your father,mother and friend and Shri Krishna is your lover..True? your Krishna is with don’t need to search Him can play with Him whenever you like

My YogiGuru is with me from 5th Octiober,Saturday 4.30 p.m onwards

6/10/2013 Sunday,12.30 p.m at night