Tuesday, October 22, 2013



12/3/2012 Monday....afternoon
Sri Sri Maharaj:
“Grow in GOD’s Love and Light.Go ahead...seek within.....”
My Guru,My Friend ,My Guide,My Saviour,My Resort.....I cannot touch your fathomless Magnanimity. Its Truly impossible for me to reach His magnitude....whatever messages I got from Him....just trying to write down.....to  execute His order.......my spiritual experiences guided by Him....
Yogiguru:”I wish you write a book
MY ENCOUNTER WITH GREAT MASTERS.....I shall help you to write”
Sri Maharaj...” You may leave your mortal body....but people will adore your work...this book will be very popular among spiritual aspirants....a first hand guide based on personal experiences....”
Me:”I am not a writer.I don’t have writing skill...how can I write a book ??”
Sri Maharaj:”You will write with your GURU’s power....GURU’s power will flow in your writing.....”
Yogiguru:You may change the name if you wish...you can name it
Me: my Will????
YogiGuru:”You are a Divine child..we Masters give preference to your Will too..”
I could smell beautifull sweet fragrances of mixed of flower and sandal wood all over...I could feel the presence of Sri Maharaj and Yogiguru in my room.Now I could see Sri Maharaj and Yogiguru,both of them standing infront of me.
Sri Maharaj:”Nupur.....I come to see you from Dibya Jyotirmoy Loka..whenever you call me...its your true love and devotion ...that pulls me down....”
Me :Maharaj.....I can see you,hear you.feel you,smell you but I cannot touch you
Yogiguru:”No,you cannot touch us physically.It will be possible when you reach advance stages of GOD Realisation.”
Me :after SAMADHI
Yogiguru:” yes my dear.. you can touch us with your astral body.
Those who truly aspire for spiritual life and GOD Realisation,we Masters come down to help them.Me and your Gurudev come down from HIRANYALOKA to enhance your spiritual potential..to guide you,motivate you in the path of GOD Realisation.
It is not possible for us to manifest physically if that person is not in advance stages..........”
What Yogiguru mentioned....In the advancing stages leading to the beginning of the path, the aspirant becomes spiritually prepared for being entrusted with free use of the forces of the inner world of the astral bodies. He may then undertake astral journeys in his astral body, leaving the physical body.The astral journeys undertaken with full consciousness in deep meditative stages. This implies conscious use of the astral body,Conscious separation of the astral body from the outer vehicle of the gross body has its own value in making the soul feel its distinction from the gross body and in arriving at fuller control of the gross body. One can, at will, put on and take off the external gross body as if it were a cloak, and use the astral body for experiencing the inner world of the astral and for undertaking journeys through it, if and when necessary....The ability to undertake astral journeys therefore involves considerable expansion of one’s scope for experience. It brings opportunities for promoting one’s own spiritual advancement, which begins with the involution of consciousness.

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